
General Information

Punta Negra

Sin acceso

Location: Chile, Región Metropolitana

Area: Cordón de los Picos Negros

Nearest city: San José de Maipo


4127 m.
4090 m. Lliboutry

Year First ascent: 1946

First ascent:

Alejandro Fergadiott (CL), Avelino Muñoz (CL) y Santiago Costa (CL).

Geographic position:

Lat: -33° 36' 58.2" (WGS 84)
Lon: -70° 3' 35.7"


Posted on 25/09/2010

Updated at 25/09/2010


Anybody who approaches the Yeso Dam will certainly be summoned by a group of rugged and dark mountains called "Cordón de los Picos Negros" (Black Peaks Range). The easternmost summit is called Punta Negra. Attention is drawn especially by its spectacular Central Couloir, which from the dam seems almost vertical. To the right, a thin white vertical line may be observed, the "Buracchio-Delgado Couloir", route set up by these two distinguised mountaineers in 1990.

This range was frequently visited in the dawn of Chilean mountaineering. This was recorded by Kurt Klemm in his 1934 book, "El Baqueano del Alpinista Chileno" ("The Chilean Alpinist's Guidebook"): "The ”nimrods” (hunters),